Help! My Square Terminal isn't connected!

Creation date: 11/22/2024 10:07 AM    Updated: 11/24/2024 4:23 PM
Troubleshooting Scenarios for Square Terminal Connectivity

1. **Scenario 1: Not Connected to the Network**

   - Yellow bar with Wi-Fi symbol and explanation point indicates no network connection.
   - Log in with cashier code, navigate to Settings> Hardware > Network.
   - Enable Wi-Fi, add hidden NCC network if not visible, enter password (CapeLight245) to connect.
   - Return to checkout screen once connected.

2. **Scenario 2: Not Logged into North Coast Church Square Account**

   - Connected to the internet but not logged in.
   - Tap on sign-in, use device code provided with the terminal. (This is a 12-digit code with a combination of numbers and letters, different from the 4-digit numerical passcode.)
   - If device code is lost, contact web team for assistance.
   - Enter device code, then log in with campus passcode.

3. **Scenario 3: Not Connected to Account or Internet**

   - Internet symbol with exclamation point, not connected to account.
   - Start by connecting to the network first before entering device code.
   - Tap on change settings, navigate to Network, enter password to join NCC network.
   - Once connected, exit and log in using the device code provided.

4. **Additional Support**

   - For further assistance, submit a ticket to the